Saturday, December 1, 2007

Designer of the Year Award for Best Clothing Designer...And the Winner is.....

This years LCM Designer of the Year Award in the category of Best Clothing Designer goes to....

Nancy of Sewsonancy

Nancy really puts her attention to detail with her amazing creations! Her jaw-dropping creations are sure to delight any child. She can create items for children of all ages boys and girls alike! Her boutique overalls are simply works of art! I can't say enough about this woman and her works! The photos speak for themselves!

Nancy just amazes me with the endless ideas she has and how she just tops herself over and over!

Nancy is just number one in our books with design and personality. Nancy has always given good words of advice and encouragement. We feel that Nancy brings so much to LCM and we're so glad to know her!

Bravo Nancy! You are awesome!

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